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The cultures of various countries that foreign trade people must know

Views: 3     Author: Ada Ru     Publish Time: 2022-05-23      Origin: Site


1. The way of thinking about cultural differences in foreign trade marketing

The Anglo-American thinking mode is characterized by deductive reasoning in a linear sequence, while the Chinese are more intuitive, intuitive, and use imagery thinking. In cross-cultural language communication, this difference is manifested in: English-speaking people focus on subjective views of objective facts, while Chinese focus on direct responses to messages or attitudes expressed by the other party. For example, for a certain product or a certain design, regardless of whether they are satisfied or not, British and American people tend to give praise first, while Chinese people tend to be more critical. Chinese and British and American people also have different reactions and responses to praise from the other side. People in English-speaking countries often respond to 'compliments' with admiration and joy. They think that the other person's compliment is recognition and recognition of something about themselves. When dealing with this kind of compliment, Anglo-Americans feel that they should express their gratitude, usually Use "Thank you.", "I'm glad to hear that.". Chinese people think that humility is a virtue. When being appreciated by others, they often show embarrassment and a sense of humiliation. ” etc. as an answer would confuse English-speaking people.

2. The values of cultural differences in foreign trade marketing

Due to the different historical development of various ethnic groups and countries, the historical cultures that have been precipitated and formed in their long history are also different. The differences in historical cultures often lead people to form different ideas about the same thing. In international trade activities, people with different cultural backgrounds also have obvious differences in time concepts, decision-making methods and conflict-handling attitudes. A contract that can be signed in two days in the United States will take at least two weeks in China.  Negotiators in the United States have real power and can make decisions on their own within the scope of their authorization. Personal daring to take responsibility is a virtue in the eyes of Americans and a positive performance. However, the Chinese attach great importance to collective decision-making and emphasize collective wisdom. We know that there is a saying in China that "the three stooges are the top one Zhuge Liang".

Differences in Chinese and Western values lead to different understandings of certain things between Chinese and English-speaking countries, resulting in the inability to communicate with each other in trade activities and language communication.

3. Customs and habits of foreign trade marketing cultural differences

China and English-speaking countries have different customs and customs, and they have different customs and customs in traditional lifestyles, hobbies, taboos and other aspects.

When receiving banquets, Chinese people are more hospitable, pay great attention to face, and consider specifications, grades, tastes, and quantities; while British and American people pay more attention to politeness, decency and effectiveness, and give guests a certain amount of freedom. When people in English-speaking countries treat guests, the meals are generally simpler than in China, and it is customary to serve one serving per person. In a restaurant, the host and guest order their own meals, and they may also pay their own bills after the meal. This kind of food sharing and AA system is a typical reflection of Western individualism in food culture, but the Chinese are a way of sharing.

We have always emphasized that China is a country of etiquette. Influenced by the traditional culture with Confucianism as the core, in order to take into account "face", foreign-related enterprises sometimes behave too modestly and easy-going in trade negotiations, emphasizing politeness. For example, like to use some vague words, such as "maybe

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