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What Is An Easy-to-reach Fibre Optic Cable?

Views: 2     Author: Vicky     Publish Time: 2024-04-09      Origin: Site

Hollow splicing refers to a construction technique in which only the fibre core of the branch cable is spliced and the other fibres are straight through (not disconnected) in the branch splice of the cable when the number of fibre cores in the main route remains unchanged.

As the cable hollowing only need to connect part of the fibre core, so can significantly reduce the cost of optical fibre connection, and, the number of fibre optic links in the fibre optic joints is greatly reduced also make the link attenuation index is better. However, GYTA, GYTS and other commonly used structure of the cable in the cable pull-out connection, the cable stripping and other process requirements are very high, the implementation of the difficulty, in the current network cable pull-out connection has not been able to promote. In view of this, an easy to pull out the cable core to facilitate the emergence of easy to pull out the cable.

1. easy to pull out and connect the cable introduction

1.1 easy to pull out the structural characteristics of the cable

Easy to pull out and connect the cable is actually an easy to peel the cable, for the inner elliptic structure. When the cable core number of 24 cores and below, the cable usually use discrete optical fibers in the tight sleeve; core number of more than 24 cores, the cable is usually set up more than one micro-bundle tube, each micro-bundle tube can be built-in 4 to 24 bare optical fibers.

Micro-bundle tube is similar to the loose tube, but the outer diameter is smaller, thinner wall, very soft, peeling without tools, bare hands can be directly torn apart!

The sheath of the cable is marked with a stripping point. When stripping, fix the cable and use a stripping knife to easily cut a hole in the sheath, exposing the optical fibre or micro-bundle tube inside the cable. This opening is usually called the skylight, the length of about 10cm or so.

Compared to commonly used fibre optic cables, easy-to-hollow cables have a smaller outer diameter but allow for a lower tensile force.

Compared with commonly used fibre optic cables, easy-to-hollow cables are more flexible, but have less tensile strength and no moisture barrier. Therefore, easy to pull out the connection of optical fibre cable is more suitable for indoor and outdoor aerial scene, if the use of underground pipeline laying, it is recommended to use in the access layer of the pipeline in good condition of the section.

1.2 Easy to pull out and connect the optical cable pull out and connect method

The following two methods can be used to connect the fibre core of the cable to be easily spliced.

Mode 1: in the hollowing point of the cable sheath out of a skylight 1, from the hollowing point to the far end of the optical intersection of about 1 m (distance can be adjusted as needed) will be the sheath of the cable and then scratch a skylight 2, in the skylight 2 cut to be hollowed out to connect the fibre core and will be corresponding to the fibre core in the skylight 1 to pull out. The fibre core can be connected to the end of the splitter box or to the branch cable, and then protect the skylight 2 with PVC tape.

Mode 2: Strip the sheath of the cable at the point of pulling out about 1 m (the length of the stripping can be adjusted according to the need), and pay attention to the protection of the fibre in the cable when stripping. Then the stripped optical fiber or micro-bundle tube at both ends of the cable is fixed in the optical cable connector box or splitter box, and then need to pull out the connection of the core cut into the end or with the branch cable connection, and then straight through the optical fibers or micro-bundle tube tray stay up.

Mode I is usually used for indoor optical cable in the splitter box splicing. Mode 2 can be used for indoor or outdoor cable in the splitter box, splice box, transfer box and other places to pull out the connection.

2 easy to pull out and connect the optical cable applicable scene

Easy to pull out the connection of optical cable for optical cable lines in the cable joints in the dense scene, such as access to the introduction of optical cable lines and home section, but also the user backbone section and distribution section.

2.1 Introduction section

In the introduction section (wiring optical intersection - splitter box section) using easy to pull out the cable, so that the number of cable splices can be reduced by several times. The number of fibre core splices in the traditional scheme is 10, but the number of fibre core splices after the adoption of easy-to-hollow splicing cable is only 2. In the vertical wiring of the building, often every floor or every few floors need cable termination. The use of commonly used cable programme, often need to set up cable joints, or put more vertical cabling cable; easy to hollow out the cable programme, only need to put a cable, and easy to hollow out the cable is more flexible, more conducive to the construction of the building cable. This also makes easy to pull out the connection cable is more suitable for vertical wiring in the building. Vertical cabling in the building of optical fibre cable scheme.

2.2 Home section

The home section (splitter box - user section) is usually placed in the butterfly cable to the user. Often the same cable route to repeat the deployment of multiple butterfly cable. On the one hand, it increases the workload of butterfly cable deployment, and on the other hand, the safety of butterfly cable decreases with the increase of deployment length.

When the same cable route needs to be placed more than one home cable can also be used when easy to hollow out the cable, the cable needs to branch in the location, every 1 to 4 users to set up an introduction box. When the user is installed, the introduction of the box into a fibre core connected to the butterfly cable or pigtail can be put into the user.

2.3 Trunk section and wiring section

When the backbone cable or wiring cable using ring network structure, in the optical intersection can also be used in the way of fibre core hollowing. In the optical intersection into the end of the exclusive fibre core and shared fibre core for branch splicing, through the optical fibre can be directly retained in the fusion fibre tray.

3 In conclusion

The easy-to-pull-out characteristics of easy-to-pull-out fibre optic cables make them ideal for use in scenarios with many branch splices. In fact, the easy stripping and small outer diameter characteristics of easy-to-pull-out cables are the demands of users for almost all types of fibre optic cables. At present, easy to pull out the scope of use of fibre optic cables in the country is still very limited, the relevant products are mainly applicable to the building wiring and overhead laying. It is recommended that manufacturers of easy to pull out the structure of the cable to optimise, enhance the cable's tensile and moisture resistance, so that easy to pull out the cable for more scenarios.

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